PT Quantum invite all aggressive, talented candidates to put their utmost careers in their own suitable division among others in manufacture, supporting and marketing. We value all new bright ideas for the company no matter where they post their careers as the whole chains of the company business process.
Through time of change , Quantum with their employees will passionate and believe that all members of Quantum family can reach their own dreams . Our training both in- house or external will gradually establish us as a whole solid team that will not easily give up overcoming turbulence in the business process .
Each of executive and manager should have precise coaching to subordinates, collaborate team members and lead best guide for the them. Acting as leaders of the team to lead their own teams to reach their dreams to be meaningful to mankind and perform meaningful activity in all levels of engagement.
Our corporate culture is to ensure the openness without fear to raise team’s new ideas for better performance of the company. All of us as Quantum teams manage our diverse, multigenerational individual that will create value quality and integrity. We make sure that young talent Quantum individuals will have opportunities to be mentored by executive management of the company to reach their careers.

Contact us for job opportunities.